Paul has practised in Planning and Environmental Law for over 15 years. His experience is complemented by his commercial law experience. He has acted for local and state government, property developers and commercial clients on a diverse range of matters.
Paul provides legal services in relation to:
- Planning appeals
- Environmental law and offences
- Planning law
- Declaratory proceedings
- Criminal charges against corporations and directors
- Compulsory acquisition
- Mining, energy and resources
- Native title
- Infrastructure charges
- Local government law
Paul has extensive experience in regulatory prosecutions of both corporate entities and individuals. He advises and appears in a range of administrative, appellant, environmental, quasi-criminal, commercial and land related matters.
Paul’s experience as Counsel includes:
- Acting in appeals (including to the Court of Appeal) related to proposed service stations and convenience shops
- Acting in matters involving appeals regarding proposed subdivision of land
- Acting in matters involving disputed extensions of currency periods for existing development approvals
- Acting for matters involving contested and uncontested applications for minor changes to development applications and approvals
- Acting as junior counsel for declarations and enforcement orders with respect to unlawful operation on land
- Acting for submitters appealing against developments approved by Council
- Acting for Councils in appeals against refusals of development applications
- Acting for developers appealing development applications refused by Council
- Acting for waste operators defending regulatory proceedings
- Advising Councils with respect to corporate governance issues and interpretation of the Local Government Act and other legislation
- Advising on declaratory proceedings with respect to water related issues (including downstream discharge obligations, overland flow, contaminated agricultural runoff issues)
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